Monthly Archives: February 2016

Test the new Bradford Council website

You can now try using a test version of the new Bradford Council website. You can still use the old website while we continue to move content into the new one and test how it works.

We are calling the new test site a “beta” version of the website. You will be able to tell if you are on the beta site because all pages on it will begin with and there is an orange “beta” label at the bottom left of every page.

The old website will continue to be at while we test the new site.

We have already moved some of the high priority content onto the beta website and we will move other information over one section at a time. After all content has been moved on to the new site, and it has been thoroughly tested, we will switch off the old website. At this point the link starting with www will point to the new website and we won’t need the beta link anymore. We expect to do this in May.

The beta website is not yet fully finished. As well as moving the content over, there are some bits of functionality and design that we are still tweaking. But it is working well enough for you to test it while we refine it. We wanted to release the test version now so that you can give us your feedback and help us to make it work for you.

Try the new site now and give us your feedback

On every page of the new website you will see a box titled ‘Rate this page’. Please help us to make the website work for you, by using that link to give us feedback about your experience of using the new site. We would like to know if you are able to find what you want to find and do what you want to do.

The number of people who visit our current website on a smartphone or tablet has been growing for several years.  We want to make sure our new website works well whatever device people use and we have been testing our new website on a variety of devices. You are welcome to do the same. If you have more than one type of device (for example a laptop and a smartphone) please feel free to test our beta website on both and tell us how you feel about each.

Continue reading Test the new Bradford Council website